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Vasotens® Technology is a modern technology of pulse wave assessment by oscillometry.

It was designed for a non-invasive assessment of the parameters of:

  • central blood pressure
  • arterial stiffness.

Data source:

Oscillometric cuff blood pressure measurement records.

Software implementation:

  • Clinically validated as a part of BPLab® software;
  • Cloud-based service SaaS “Vasotens®”;
  • Integration into telemedicine services;
  • Implementation with other manufacturers of blood pressure devices.

Fields of application:

  • Risk stratification.
    For stratification of risk of hypertension, it is recommended to assess arterial stiffness by estimating pulse wave velocity.
  • Isolated systolic hypertension.
    Isolated systolic hypertension in youth is an acute problem nowadays. Vasotens® technology provides an easy-to-use combined measurement procedure of peripheral blood pressure and central blood pressure instead of two operations – in order to confirm or to exclude ISH-diagnosis in children and adolescences.
  • Drug therapy control.
    Different types of medical drugs have a different impact on central blood pressure. Central blood pressure control is very important to perform to avoid target organ damage in hypertensives.
  • Masked hypertension detection. A condition when a measuring device shows blood pressure values exceeding the actual parameters by 20-30 mm Hg can be observed in older people who suffer from arterial calcification, but rarely it may also occur in younger people.

Vasotens Office

In-office measurements with the use of Vasotens Office® software are performed for preliminary stratification of cardio-vascular risks in hypertension patients (Vasotens® Office Stiffness) or in patients with PAD (peripheral artery disease) (Vasotens® Office ABI), and also to confirm masked hypertension in youth and to perform a therapy control of the drugs that primarily have an impact on central blood pressure (Vasotens® Office CAP).

While measuring, a 24-hour ABPM device operates as an in-office device, it is permanently connected to the PC which performs a measurement control.

A new measurement will be performed for every new patient.

Test measurement reports can be saved in different formats including .pdf-format.

Vasotens Office Vasotens Office

Parameters assessed during screening tests of arteries in a doctor’s room:

  • Systolic BP, diastolic BP, pulse pressure, heart rate (SYS, DIA, PP, HR)
  • Augmentation index in aorta (AIxao)
  • Estimated pulse wave velocity in aorta (PWVao)*
  • Pulse pressure amplification (PPA)
  • Systolic blood pressure in aorta (SYSao)

* Although validated but still an experimental parameter.

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Vasotens 24

Technically, 24-hour PWA records are performed in the same way as oscillometric 24-hour blood pressure measurements with no additional inflation step for PWA. Thus, the number of measurements of peripheral blood pressure measurements and the number of central blood pressure should coincide in every patient. At the same time, the use of Vasotens 24® enables an upgrade of the basic BPLab ABPM data and a re-assessment of the archived records for central BP and arterial stiffness parameters as well. For each ABPM-test, an individual plan has to be uploaded, while it is necessary to ensure the sufficient number of good quality records in accordance with the current ESC-ESH guidelines. The device can be programmed for 48 hours or more. BPLabWin® software is used for a standard interpretation of 24-hour ABPM test results, and Vasotens24® (+ dongle key and registration data) for a 24-hour pulse wave analysis. One can also use the telemedicine platform www.tholomeus.net and / or the cloud-based service SaaS “Vasotens®”.

Vasotens Office Vasotens Office

Additional parameters assessed during a 24-hour ABPM test:

  • Systolic BP, diastolic BP, pulse pressure, heart rate (SYS, DIA, PP, HR);
  • Augmentation index in aorta (AIxao);
  • Estimated pulse wave velocity in aorta (PWVao)*;
  • Pulse pressure amplification (PPA)
  • Systolic blood pressure in aorta (SYSao)
  • Patient’s body position and activity

* Although validated but still an experimental parameter.

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BPStat. Multicenter clinical trials and academic studies (IIS)

BPStat® allows a researcher to configure systems to meet different needs, even as complicated as multicenter clinical trials of drugs. If you need to analyze tens or thousands of BPW-files, there is no better solution than BPStat®. Run the program, select the BPW-files in your computer, mark the parameters to be examined in the summary table, and receive a report. It can be freely exported to the desired program, for example, to MS Excel.
Vasotens Office Vasotens Office

Mean values, variability and other parameters of central and peripheral pressure, and arterial stiffness can be represented both as a single line for each patient, and in a form of multiline arrays containing tracking. Speaking about academic research, it is also important to underline the benefits of storing BPW-files: as soon as new indicators and new ways of processing oscillograms appear, a researcher gets the opportunity, after the software update, to conduct a retrospective study of previously recruited groups, and to receive the data which has scientific novelty. Cost-effectiveness is achieved by delivering only a standard BPLab 24-hour ABPM monitor to research centers; at the same time, corresponding software set is supplied to the data management center, which enables an assessment of thousands of BPW-files using Vasotens® technology at once. BPStat® will be appreciated by those who deal with statistics, research 24-hour blood pressure profiles and new parameters: from PhD students to SAS developers.

A temporary provision of BPLab Vasotens® equipment for clinical trials and academic research under favorable conditions is possible under agreement with the company representatives.

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